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The only "Piano Windtet" worldwide: ensemble 4.1

Nominee for OPUS KLASSIK 2019

FOUR wind soloists, keen to chamber music, and ONE  pianist Thomas Hoppe devote themselves to this still undiscovered wonderful musical genre.

ensemble 4.1 "the Easy-Riders of Viennese Classic"

Their exceptional communicative power and their intoxicating atmosphere on stage are often praised by critics and have become the hallmark of ensemble 4.1.
In addition to the original masterpieces for this setting by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven, the ensemble is devoted to discovering rarely played compositions from the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. After many years, piano windtets by Walter Gieseking, Theodor Verhey, Heinrich von Herzogenberg and Gustav Holst are again being performed for an enthusiastic public.


Thomas Hoppe

Jörg Schneider

Alexander Glücksmann

Christoph Knitt

Sebastian Posch