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A Oboe.jpg

Jörg Schneider english

Jörg Schneider

Jörg Schneider grew up in Berlin and received his first oboe lessons from Carsten Schlottke and Christoph Hartmann. He studied in Berlin and Munich under Professor Ricardo Rodrigues, Professor Burkhard Glaetzner, Mario Kaminski and Francois Leleux.

Jörg Schneider performed with orchestras such as the Ensemble Modern, the Mahler Chamber Orchestra or the German Symphony Orchestra (DSO) Berlin.
In 2006 he was appointed Principal Oboe and Professor of the National Ensemble of Spain for Contemporary Music.

Jörg Schneider is also Principal Oboe for the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra and plays regularly as Principal Oboe with the Ensemble Resonanz or the Camerata Salzburg.

He is a winner of International chamber music competitions in Osaka, Marseille and Schwerin and a scholarship holder of the German Music Competition.

Thomas HoppeJörg SchneiderAlexander GlücksmannChristoph KnittFritz Pahlmann